Sunday, December 21, 2008

The LaSt Of ThE ChrisTmaS PaRtiEs

Sunday... we went over to Brandon's Grandma Elaine house for a Christmas party... I was pretty excited cause we had alot of family that were in town that were going to be there :) We dont get to see Brandon's family alot so I love when we all get together!!!..... we were pretty cramped for space with all those people but it was fun :) We did a gift exchange and Brandon and I got a cute decorations for our house!!! My favorite was my sis In-laws fabulous Chessy potatos and grandma Elaine made THEE BEST DESSERT EVER!!!
The picture above are of most of the ladies :)

Rocked lil Ariah to sleep :)

Uncles and cousins

Most of the kids!!!
Christmas is going to be over before we know it!!! ... cant believe it !!!

UgLy chRisTmaS SweAter paRty

Our friends decided to start a new tradition this year.... We all wanted to get together for a christmas party.... with lots of food, egg nog, christmas songs... the works. This weekend... thats just what we did..... We decided it should be an UgLy ChriStmaS sWeaTer ParTy!!! All of our guy friends rounded up the funniest... Ugliest... sweaters I have ever seen. And all the girls wore christmas colors and santa hats.... it was a blast!!!

My BeSt frIenD JamIe

Some of the guys were party poopers and were not into the whole sweater bit!!!

Just some of the girls :)
I Love the new tradition we started!!!!

HaPpy BiRthdaY tO Me... iM 23

sOo... I turned 23 on the 17th of December so my family took all went out to dinner to OLivE GaRdeN!!! ... My faVorite!!! I was a great time... the best food but I was so full from my big lunch that I had earlier that day!! My boss and office took me to Iggy's for my birthday lunch.. I am so spoiled!!! I dont mind getting older but after 20 it loses all excitement... truly just seems like any other day... and being so close to christmas... I didnt want to do too much celebrating seeing how I am STILL not done christmas shopping!!! .... AnyWays... after dinner we went to my parents for ice cream and had some GOOD laughs.... Brandon laughed so hard he cried.... love when that happens :) I had a GreaT birthday!!!
This is the Olive Garden staff singing to me... slightly embarassed LOL :)

My brother In-law enjoying the wine!!

My cute parents

Nephew Alex and sis Aleisha

Brother Jason and sis Inlaw Katie :) I was so glad everyone could come .... it made my birthday even better!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

ChRiStmaS PaRtieS

Saturday, we went to the first of many christmas parties we will be attending this year!!! Every year my sister in-law Pyper and friend Kaylee host a christmas party with all of our friend, they cook a faBuLouS ham dinner with Pyper's famous CheEsy potatos!!! it was delicious. Afterward, we did a white elephant gift exchange, which had us entertained for a good hour and a half. The things people come up with to bring was freaking hilarious.

The HoStS

Melissa, Alicia and I

The boys having WII competitions !!! They played til 4 am
We also played catch phrase... it was hilarious. I have seriously not laughed that hard in awhile :)

Thanks bunches to Pyper and Kaylee... great party planners!! Cant wait til next years party!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

ChOo ChoO!!!

Brandon and I got ExTreMeLy bored on Thursday night and decided to assemble the GiNgErBreAd train my mom gave us. LOL its harder then it looks I swear.... I realized how creative Brandon is... He was cracking my up all the swirly designs he put on !!!! And I realized what a PeRfeCtiOniSt I am... I was getting so frustrated cause I was messing it up... I had to keep reminding myself that it is not a big deal!!! Brandon couldn't stop laughing @ me.

There is not a ToN of candy and frosting on it cause B and I kept sneaking and eating it when eachother was not looking!!!! LOL The things that amuse us :) Boring I know.... We Need some cute kids to blog about !! :) (wink wink)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


SaTuRdaY NiGht... All my friends got together @ our friends Brad's House to watch the Del a Hoya fight on TV. It was a blast!! Although... i dont really watch the fight!!! All the girls usually just sit in the kitchen and ChiT ChaT while the guys are in the living room screaming and arguing about what round and which guy is going to get KnOckEd OuT!!! i just have a good time hanging with the girls... then the guys can tell me who won the fight after!!! LOL
If you didnt watch the fight... Del ahoya loSt the fight pretty bad!!!

Oh ChRiStMaS TrEE....

I got my ChRiStMaS TreE up.... Thought i would post a picture for all to see!!!
Tiny little pencil tree... but fits perfect in my house :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The night before thanksgiving... all our guy friends got together to play MidNighT FLag FoOtbaLL!! Including my husband... he was quite the allstar player... he got the first TouCh dOwn!!! I was so proud :):)...

so all the girls got the CheSsY idea to make team shirts for the boys and they turned out soOo cute lol..LoVed Em :) The game was fun but we were there til 2:30am !!!

All the girls in their team shirts

ThaNkSgiVinG DaY

The day started out @ my parents house!! LoTs of food and coconut creme pie...My FaVoRiTe!! Then.. we went to Brandon's mom's house in Bountiful.. for lots more food and my mother In-laws YuMmY rolls and gravy!!! way too much food but very fun day...I love getting the family all together and spending time. We are soo ThaNkFuL for our family.. dont know what we'd would do with out them... I love them to death!!!

My dad and I standing over the turkey bones... We ate it all :)

I love to post funny pictures of my nephew Alex... He did not want to take this picture!!! He was stressed cause he wanted his pie LOL :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Finally!!!! Friday, I went to see TwiLiGhT... It was AmaZinG!!!! Pobanz Orthodontic office rented a theater and invited my work to see the movie and we all got to take guests so I invited my mom and my sister, who LoVe twilight just as much as me. I have been non-stop talking about these books, my husband had to see what all the fuss was about so we went to see it on sunday.(I didnt mind seeing it again at all). And I think he is a fan!! He really enjoyed it :) If you had a chance to go see it.... WhAt DiD yOu tHiNk???

GiRLs NiGhT OuT!!!

On Wednesday night, the girls and I all went to the E Center for the CaRriE UnDeRwOod CoNcErt. It was seriously a blast. We had floor seats and the way the stage was set up, we were so close to all the action. LiTtLe biG TowN opened for Carrie and I only knew about one song but after watching them perform I have a new favorite band!! They were amamzing.
Jessica and I ... confeiti flyin :)

We were so so close!!!!

She was the best performer and best concert I have ever been to. Her voice is so amazing

All The girls... Jess, Shar, Me and Jamie

Sunday, November 2, 2008

TriP wiTh tHe gUys

Saturday.... My husband and his friends decide to take a trip to Lehi to go to CaBeLa'S so my friend Jamie and I decided to tag along... BIG MISTAKE!!! It was my first trip there and its a pretty impressive store you could shop for hours, there is so much to see. And we were there... FOR HOURS... 3 1/2 hours. The guys were like kids in a candy store.

Jamie and I were bored out of our minds so we were finding things to pass the time... this is us hiding in an Ice FiShiNg tent taking a break from all thee excitement... and whats worse is I touched something there that caused me to have an allergic reaction... so i was SwOLLen and ichy from my elbow to my finger tips... hahaha it was awful.

I was hiding in the camo.... can you see me???

It was pretty awesome though looking at all the AnImaL displays they had set up... they looked so real. The fish tanks were probably my favorite part but i didnt get a picture. I HiGhLy recommend to all you girls.... let your husband go to Cabela's alone!! :)

HaPpy HaLLoWeEn

Halloween was so fun this year!!! The night started at my PaRenTs house... seeing my nephews all dressed up for TrIcK Or TrEaTinG is my favorite. My mom cooked taco soup ... which was AmaZinG and perfect cause it was freezing outside. I wore a Baseball player costume, Spencer was a storm trooper, Alex was a bat and Parker was a dinosaur :)




Then Brandon and I went to another CoStUme party. Brandon was supposed to be a surgeon, but he kinda looked more like a patient.. I loved it haha!! NeVeR a dull moment.. always making me laugh.

The party we went to was at our good friend Shaun's house. Halloween parties at his house are ALwaYs the best because he is so into it and must spend a fortune. All through the house there was props, body PaRts all over, things hanging from the ceiling, BoNeS all over the counters, things BaNgiNg on the roof of his house, and CrEePy pictures on the walls... He goes all out!!! Its like a haunted house.... Funniest place to spend Halloween ...

All my friends looked so cute!!!!