Sunday, November 23, 2008


Finally!!!! Friday, I went to see TwiLiGhT... It was AmaZinG!!!! Pobanz Orthodontic office rented a theater and invited my work to see the movie and we all got to take guests so I invited my mom and my sister, who LoVe twilight just as much as me. I have been non-stop talking about these books, my husband had to see what all the fuss was about so we went to see it on sunday.(I didnt mind seeing it again at all). And I think he is a fan!! He really enjoyed it :) If you had a chance to go see it.... WhAt DiD yOu tHiNk???


Pyper said...

I freakin loved the movie for sure! Edward was a freakin hottie!! I kind of think that the special effects were a little cheezy though (like when they were running) But i think that I'm goin to go see it again also with Cody lyn sometime this next weekend.

Michelle said...

Ya loved it! I am so gald I read the book before I saw it. Your blog is cute, you changed it up a bit! The concert looked way fun! Gald you had fun:)

Alaina said...

I went on Saturday because my dentist also rented the MegaPlex. I loved it. Edward passed the test. I even like Bella. Ryan wants to see so I will see it again. Love ya,

Pyper said...

ps that's soo cute that you got to go see it with your momma :) I don't even think my mom knows anything about the story at all.

Josh and Laurie said...

I've missed you guys so much. I am so sad that I missed it. I'm glad it was good though. My sister-in-law wants me to go see it with her. I can't wait.