Thursday, April 2, 2009


This week at my work was very eventful.... I don't know if I have ever blogged about the crazy things that go on at my work but our favorite thing is to play jokes on each other... including the doctors (they are the worst). I have to check my car everyday before going home cause I will have stuff hanging from my bumper or random stuff stashed in my purse!!! Basically everyday is ApRiL FoOLs and Wednesday was not different!!! An orthodontic office, Dr Pobanz sent us a box full of little gags and jokes to play with... whoopy cushions, disappearing ink and nasty fishy tasting candy... It was a great day. I love my job and the people I work with ... We have alot of hilarious stories and good memories.... makes the days fly by.

Dr Mark with the string gag ....that supposed to look like it goes thru your head.

Michelley.... with the hand shake zapper!!!

Kristy cracks me up :)

Laurie flippin a monkey at me.... haha random things, I know.

The finger trap


Pyper said...

Looks like you have a great time at work sis!

Sheena said...

You guys always look like you're having a good time in there!

Jesse.Amanda.Maelee said...

Hey!! We got that same thing for April Fools from Pobanz!! I love the sling shot monkey!! haha :)

Dustin & Kristy said...

Hey get that pic off there of me jk. U say I never post so here I am :) We sure have some good times up front don't we

Erin said...
