Sunday, April 19, 2009


This weekend... My Brandon and I doubled with our friends Jamie and Justin !!! We talked the boys into going to 17 again. It was such a cute movie... I loved it :) Although, I was suprised at how many girls go crazy for Zac Efron..... through the whole movie anytime he would do anything the girls in the theater were fLiPpiN OuT!!! He is actually a really really good actor :) As much as Brandon will deny it..... he told me in secret he enjoyed the movie :):) GO SEE !!!!


Erin said...

I've heard great things about this movie. Love the pictures of the dogs. Xena is still so little compared to Chopper.

Trinity said...

My friend and I are going to see that. It looks super cute and he is such a cutie. I love the Disney original so I bet this one will be great too!

Sheena said...

ahh ha ha..good to know! I really want to go see that movie! And fyi...I'll probably be one of "those girls" ha ha...j/k