I am so far behind!!!... Brandon and I have just been enjoying the summer.... every weekend we are on the go nonstop, but we are loving it!!! This Friday we celebrated my older sister Christina's 30th birthday...YAY and had dinner at my parents house. :) She was not to thrilled to turn 30... but the ChEeSeCaKe we had for dessert cheered her right up!!!! Also while I am on the subject of my gorgeous sister.... I have not blogged this yet.... but she is PREGNANT... due on Halloween and just found out she is having a BOY!!!! That makes nephew #5 and we couldn't be more excited. She is such and amazing mom!!!
I love getting together with my family... they are the best... consists of the best food, lots of girl talk and the men napping and snoring on the couch.... good times :)

Friday night... after dinner.... Brandon and I met up with all our friends at the Clinton Days Carnival. Unfortunately, we showed up pretty late so we didn't get to ride the rides or anything... It was still a good time!!! Brandon played some games and won me a stuffed animal LOL ... he is so cute :)
After we were done at the carnival we all were not ready to end the night.... soO went over to our friend Shaun's house for night swimming and hot tubbin!!! And let me tell ya.... I have added something to my WANT list. Shaun has this MAsSiVe HoT tUb..... that does EVERYTHING but talk to you!!! Its got the nicest sound system and light show and HUGE jets.... I was blown away at all the things that thing could do!!! We all sat around relaxing and swimming..... and of course my husband entertaining everyone doing tricks off the diving board!!!! Great night!!! :)
Saturday... Its tradition.... we all got together at our friend Brad's house to BBQ and watch Clinton fireworks..... Clinton park is basically right across the street from his house so we had front row seats for the fireworks!!! It was so fun.... lots and lots of food!!! I made the dessert... my friend Michelle gave me this amazing receipe for ChOcOLaTe CheEse CaKe and it was a big hit!!!!

Some of our friends watchin the show.... We never get sick of watching firework shows all summer :)
The weekend was not over yet!!!.... We woke up way early and headed up to the DaM for the day with all our friends!!! Our friend Justin has a few wave runners we took out.... It was so nice and hot!!! Perfect day for fun and sun. I completely forgot my camera :/ It was hilarious ... we found this great spot on the beach for all us girls to lay out........ and out of NOWHERE..... this wave, like I have never seen before, came and flew up the beach and over our heads.... we were SoaKed.... but we got a good laugh!!!
The weekend was not over yet!!!.... We woke up way early and headed up to the DaM for the day with all our friends!!! Our friend Justin has a few wave runners we took out.... It was so nice and hot!!! Perfect day for fun and sun. I completely forgot my camera :/ It was hilarious ... we found this great spot on the beach for all us girls to lay out........ and out of NOWHERE..... this wave, like I have never seen before, came and flew up the beach and over our heads.... we were SoaKed.... but we got a good laugh!!!
Awesome weekend I am so sad it had to end.... but lots more to look forward to next weekend and I am pretty happy Brandon and I both have a short work week this week!!! Ill try to keep up on the blog :) Hope everyone is enjoying the summer as much as we are!!!