Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Attack of the Messy Birds...

Our birds are back..... I went to let my dogs out the other day and there was this loud sound coming from the patio!!! I opened the door and FREAKED.... there is hundreds of birds making MUD nest on the side of my house and my neighbors.... On my unit alone, there are 8 giant nests that have been made and just a few on each of our neighbors... They seem to like us best!!!! I am not at all sure what to do... we can call our Home Owners Association but what if there is bird eggs up there!! I feel so guilty.... HELP ???? Brandon has been beggin to spray them down himself but I wont allow it!!!

This is the MeSs they are making on my patio.... MuD and PoOp every where!!!! Any suggestions???? These pictures were hard for me to get.... I swear when I go out there.... they freak and start flying all over the place and SwoOpin down at me hahahaha...... k maybe not swoopin down at me but there is so many I am scared they will attack me!!!


Anonymous said...

I freaking HATE those birds... I say spray them down! A few less of those nasty birds wouldnt hurt.

Jesse.Amanda.Maelee said...

Haha we have this same problem! But when I was outside the other day some wierdo lady came up to me and said that it was like illegal to spray them and that we just have to let them do there thing! She said she called wildlife something or other and that they said it was illegal or something to bother them. I think she was going around taking pictures of ppls nests to make sure noone was touching them! Psycho! I don't know what to do either?? :)

Trinity said...

BB gun. Just joking, but seriously! :)