Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday The 13th

Friday night we had a date night with a bunch of our friends. We were invited to go to the new movie Friday The 13th. Brandon and I love scary movies so of course we were down to go. I liked it ... there were a few times it had me jumping in my seat, however, it cracks me up the parts in scary movies where the bad guy serious comes out of nowhere... one second he is on the roof of the house and the next he is down the street. Oh and not to mention the dumb girl screaming and crying instead of running!! Its hilarious... but I think its good to have a few laughs during movies like that... then I know I can fall asleep at night... not so freaked out. HAHA I liked the movie... if you like other Jason movies you will like this one... very similar to the others.

1 comment:

Pyper said...

Your braver than i am for sure- I told Cody there is no way that i would go and see this movie with him ;)