Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WeDdiNg DreSs for SaLe??

SoO... I am seriously considering selling my wedding dress!! But cant help but feeling that maybe I should hang on to it. Ladies?? what are your thoughts and where is your wedding dress?? Mine is sitting at my parents house in the closet and I have not pulled it out sense the wedding!!! It is such a pretty dress... kinda thinkin someone else would love it for their wedding day!! HeLP :)

These are JuSt a Few of my bridals.. I had them taken at ThaNksGivIng PoiNt in the big gardens. It was gorgeous there in July!!
I will always for my pictures for MeMoriEs. SoO.. why hang on to it???


Pyper said...

LoVe yOuR bridals sis! I wish mine were on the computer so i could post em- I'm to lazy to take the time to scan them all-- Any ways... I don't know what to tell ya bout selling the dress. MIne is hanging in my spare room- I don't think that i could ever part with it though :) But i'm silly like that...

Katie Bergeson said...

yah, that's a tough one. I haven't done anything with mine either & have thought about selling it before. but my mom's dress was ruined in a flood before I was born & I always wished that she still had it so maybe there's something to holding on to it. good luck!

Michelle said...

Your dress is so pretty and I loved your engagments! I would wear your dress if I could fit into it and if I ever get married haha!