SooO.. My friend Jamie invited me to go to the Miss Weber County Pageant Friday night to watch her sister in-law compete. I was so excited to go... I had never been to a pageant and I was very interested to see what it was like. Let me tell ya....It was so crazy... these girls confidence and the fact that they can just get on stage and do what the do is AMaZinG!!! Something I would never have the guts to do. Anyways, the pageant was great. Ashton Price, contestant #1 was the girl that we were cheering for. She an awesome.... this was her first ever pageant and she was the only girl competing with no pageant experience and she did so good. And lucky her she picked #1 so she had to go first in everything..... Here is a picture of all the contestants....
Let me tell you the last part of the pageant just BLeW my mind.... okay.... so they announced second attendant which was contestant #8, Kami Alldredge and as she walked up to get her flowers and plaque there was a lady that was whispering to the announcer.... I didn't think much of it at the time. They then announced contestant #7, Monica Richards as first attendant and as she walked up to get her flowers the same lady was whispering in the announcers ear... they sat and talked quietly back and forth as everyone sat in silence waiting for Miss Weber County to be announced... THEN the announcer says " It seems there has been a mistake in announcing so lets start over and pretend this did not happen" I WAS IN SHOCK.... WHO DOES THAT SERIOUSLY!!!! those poor girls standing up there with flowers in hand were so confused on what to do. SoOo... the re announced that Monica #7 was not 1st attendant but she was in fact 2nd attendant !!!!!!..... and they announced contestant #4 Heidi Evans as 1st attendant!!! Cant begin to understand how a mistake like this could happen. And as Kami Alldredge was walking back to stand in line with the other girls ..... they announced HER is MiSs WeBeR cOunTy 2009!!!!!! I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT hahahaha.... one minute she is 2nd attendant and the next minute she was crowned MiSs WeBer cOunTy!!!! I am sure she was not disappointed but Monica, #7 ... going from 1st to 2nd has to be disappointing!!!!! I could not believe it. Overall, a very fun.... ShOcKing first time pageant experience. I applaud all the girls to be able to get on stage like that!!! All of them did awesome :):) The new Miss Weber County is just a doll.... she was consistent through the whole pageant and she deserves the title :):)
BuT... I cant help but wonder what the mix up was all about and if the really meant for some other girl to be one of thee attendants????? We will never know....
Holy cow! What a crazy story!! I can't believe that they mixed them up like that! Thats so fun that you got the chance to go to a pageant :)
Wow, that is crazy!! I can not believe that happened! That is fun you got to go. See ya Monday:)
Oh my heck... How sad for the girl that had to take a step down. I would have cried!
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