Sunday, December 21, 2008

UgLy chRisTmaS SweAter paRty

Our friends decided to start a new tradition this year.... We all wanted to get together for a christmas party.... with lots of food, egg nog, christmas songs... the works. This weekend... thats just what we did..... We decided it should be an UgLy ChriStmaS sWeaTer ParTy!!! All of our guy friends rounded up the funniest... Ugliest... sweaters I have ever seen. And all the girls wore christmas colors and santa hats.... it was a blast!!!

My BeSt frIenD JamIe

Some of the guys were party poopers and were not into the whole sweater bit!!!

Just some of the girls :)
I Love the new tradition we started!!!!


Pyper said...

Very cute pictures from the sweater party! WHat a very fun new tradition for you guys to do now every year. YOur shirt is darling by the way.

( Oh and i think Kade and Korey are not fun- THat's stupid that they didn't dress up)

Shannon Williams Olsen said...

I say boo to the party poopers that didn't wear the ugly sweaters... no fun for them! You girls look adorable.